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Consider the Good News
Explore the story of Jesus, starting from the dawn of history to eyewitness Gospel accounts, through unexpected lenses
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Welcome to Consider the Good News
Ragnar’s Story
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Consider the Good News
Explore the story of Jesus, starting from the dawn of history to eyewitness Gospel accounts, through unexpected lenses
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Welcome to Consider the Good News
Ragnar’s Story
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Welcome to Consider the Good News
About Me
Journey through the Bible
Made in the Image of God
But corrupted … like orcs of Middle-earth
Corrupted (part 2) … and Missing the Target
The Final Countdown – Promised in the Beginning
An Ancient Journey that Affects us Today
The Ageless Promise to an Unnoticed Man
Getting Righteousness – Abraham’s example
Abraham: How God will Provide
Passover Sign of Moses
What are the Ten Commandments? What do they teach?
Moses’ Farewell Speech: History marching to the beat of its drum
Where does ‘Christ’ of Jesus Christ come from?
The Sign of the Branch: The Dead Stump Reborn
The Branch: Named hundreds of years before his birth
The Branch: Sprouting Exactly in time to be … ‘cut off’
The Puzzle of the Psalm 22 Prophecy
How were details of Christ’s death prophesied?
Jesus revealed in Gospels
Christmas – The Jesus Birth Story
Flashback to Isaac’s Birth: Symmetry with Jesus’ birth
Jesus as Israel: Pursued & Hiding from Herod the Great
Zealous in the Wilderness
Jesus’ Baptism: What Does It Mean for You?
Jesus Tempted in the Desert
Like Moses: Teaching with Authority on the Mountain
Jesus Heals: by Powerful Word
Creator in the Flesh: Shown by Word of Power
The Kingdom of God: Many are Invited but…
Insight about your Psyche
The A-Z Avatar from Beyond our Universe
Jesus speaks on His Meta-Verse: Restricted to the Meta-noied
Living Water by the Dead Sea
Jesus Teaches Contrarian Investing
Jesus’ Mission in the Raising of Lazarus
Jesus declares War: As King, To an undefeated Enemy, Precisely on Palm Sunday
Day 1: Jesus – Light to the Nations
Day 2: Jesus Selected
Day 3: Jesus utters The Withering Curse
Day 4: Look to the Stars
Day 5: Through Treachery Satan coils to strike
Day 6: Good Friday and Jesus the Passover Lamb
Day 7: Jesus in Sabbath Rest
Resurrection First Fruits: Life for you
Cosmic Rhythm only God could Dance: From Creation to Cross
The Revived Woman paired with the Resurrected Son
The Precision and Power of Pentecost
Signs of the Zodiac
Virgo & the Zodiac as Signs for my Life
Libra in the Ancient Zodiac
Scorpio in the Ancient Zodiac
Sagittarius in the Ancient Zodiac
Capricorn in the Ancient Zodiac
Aquarius in the Ancient Zodiac
Pisces in the Ancient Zodiac
Aries in the Ancient Zodiac
Taurus in the Ancient Zodiac
Gemini in the Ancient Zodiac
Cancer in the Ancient Zodiac
Leo in the Ancient Zodiac
The Esna Zodiac & Sphinx marking the Zodiac start
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the evidence for God’s existence?
Justice for Nations in a Globalized World: How does the Bible foresee it?
What about Evolution? Did we Evolve or were we Created?
Why would a Loving God allow Suffering, Pain and Death?
What does the Bible teach about Environmental Stewardship?
What is Ascension Day?
Is there a difference between Christianity and the Gospel?
The most unique Book: What is its Message?
The Noah Controversy: Could that Flood have happened?
Was the Chernobyl Disaster Predicted in the Bible?
What is the ‘Son of Man’? The Paradox at Jesus’ Trial
The Dead Sea Scrolls and Old Testament Reliability
What is the Greatest Love Story ever?
What’s the Gospel? Considered through COVID, Quarantine and Vaccine
Apparel: Why More than just Clothing?
Races and Languages: From Where? Answering Racism
The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?
Is the Bible textually Reliable? Or has it been corrupted?
How were details of Christ’s death prophesied?
Why did a Good God create a Bad Devil?
What is the History of the Jewish People?
Was Jesus the son of a virgin from the line of David?
Was there an Adam? The Testimony of the ancient Chinese
Simple but Powerful: What is the meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice?
Where does ‘Christ’ of Jesus Christ come from?
What are the Ten Commandments? What do they teach?
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